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Edited by the AFWG committee
To increase culture yield rate
Collection and container | Sterile container with 1 mL of sterile NSS or BHI broth. |
Processing |
Media and incubationtemperatures |
NSS, normal saline solution; BHI, brain heart infusion; BHIA, brain heart infusion agar; SDA, Sabouraud dextrose agar |
Corneal scrapings | Inoculate directly on culture media |
If the tissue is hard | In addition to mincing, a tissue grinder or sterile glass beads can be used with sterile NSS or distilled water; vortex for a few seconds before inoculating on appropriate culture media. |
If mucormycosis-causingspecies is suspected | Inoculate tissue directly on SDA plate after mincing with a sterile scalpel blade. Avoid grinding the tissue. |
NSS, normal saline solution; SDA, Sabouraud dextrose agar |